Here I have summarized a few impressions, which materials I noticed as a European especially when I was traveling in Japan.
WOOD - Wood is one of the most popular building materials in Japan;
this is particularly true of the few remaining original castles,
the numerous temples and the traditional houses;
but also in modern house construction, wood is a coveted element.
CORRUGATED METAL - a popular material for huts, outbuildings and side walls is the corrugated iron.
Since this material rusts very quickly due to the high humidity in summer, it also offers a touch of transience.
GLASS, CONCRETE AND TILES - Glass and concrete characterize the appearance of modern metropolises - also in Japan.
Very popular are tiles - not only on the floor, in bath or kitchen, but also on exterior walls.
While many cables were banished to the ground in the past few years,
I noticed that the Japanese cities and villages are connected by a network of cables and wires
that is like a huge spider network.