Japan is dominated by two major metropolitan areas - on the one hand Greater Tokyo with the two largest cities of the country:
Tokyo and Yokohama, and on the other hand the region of Greater Osaka.
The majority of Japanese cities (except cities like Kyoto and Nara) has no historical center.
The center of a Japanese metropolis consists of high-rise buildings of glass and concrete.
On the edge of the centers the houses become lower and smaller.
If at all possible, the Japaneses like to have an own family house.
Plot sizes of 150 m2 for a house with garage and garden are already a certain luxury.
Despite the tight construction spread the cities into unimagined dimensions for European standards.
If, for example, you will leave Tokyo with a regional train,
so you have to expect to see the first time a piece of unspoilt nature after more than one hour's drive.